Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Services in Dallas, TX

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Facing criminal charges is one of the most stressful experiences somebody can experience and being convicted can have devastating and long-lasting impacts on your personal life. Those convicted of criminal charges might face lost job opportunities, prison time, and excessive fines and penalties, and it is stressful not just to you, but to your entire family. 

Your relationships, your career, your financial well-being, and even your freedom are on the line when you are facing criminal charges, so it is important to make sure you are represented by an experienced and skilled criminal defense attorney.

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Proven success and experience with criminal cases

John M. Cook has a prolific career prosecuting and defending criminal cases and can successfully defend clients against all manner of criminal charges. John M. Cook has successfully represented clients accused of various crimes, from murder and manslaughter to DWI and drug possession. Mr. Cook can also defend clients charged with theft, computer crime, child pornography, and white-collar crime of all types. His unique background ensures that your case will be thoroughly worked up from the moment he is retained. John M. Cook understands how to prepare a case for trial while at the same time working to obtain reduced charges or dismissal of charges along the way. He will aggressively seek the suppression of all evidence obtained illegally by the police and will investigate the actions of law enforcement looking for any additional bases upon which to mount a defense.

Our reliable criminal defense strategies

In many cases, those facing criminal charges can have the charges reduced in severity, and sometimes outright dismissed, with the assistance of a capable and effective criminal defense attorney. Mr. Cook will bring to bear all of his prior knowledge as a police officer, detective, and assistant district attorney, as well as his considerable skill as a Texas criminal defense attorney, in standing up for you and making sure that any consequences you face as a result of your arrest are as mild as possible.

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If you are facing criminal charges of any kind, call us to begin building a defense. (214) 521-6679

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